How to Clean a Glass Pipe

4:47 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Hello, here's a simple way to clean your own glass pipe. Although you don't need to do this often, it's nice and refreshing to smoke with a clean pipe. Follow these simple guidelines to insure protection to your fragile, glass pipe.

You will need:
-1 bottle of rubbing alcohol (Found at a pharmacy or grocery store.)
-1 Safety pin
-1 sewing pin (optional)
-1 plastic container (able to throw it out after)
-1 kettle to boil water
-1 water
-Paper towel
-Place to put resin (I used a muffin cup :] )

It is important that you wear older clothes and that you do this on a counter or somewhere that you can get dirty. Resin stains clothes and furniture so please be careful.

Next thing to do is to empty out all visible ash in your pipe, do not worry about the resin that is in your bowl, it is too hard at this point to scrape it off without harming the glass in your pipe. Remove the screen and make sure you keep it. In this case, the pipe has a glass bit that acts as a screen. Unless you have a new one, you may want to hold onto your old one. Go ahead and throw out the ash, I placed them on a paper towel to avoid a mess.

Great job! Now it's time to place your glass pipe in the plastic container. Next, fill the container to the top with 1/3 rubbing alcohol and 2/3 boiling water. Be sure to completely submerge your glass pipe in the water. Let it sit for 20 - 30 minutes.

Welcome back, I'm sure your anxious to see how well your pipe has been cleaned. Don't worry, you haven't even started yet. Now that the resin is loosened up, you may now scrape the resin out. Some people prefer to keep the resin to smoke it later, although it isn't much of something I would do, this is my friend's pipe. I will keep it in case she changes her mind. Go ahead and get all that you can.

It's important to move fast. Resin hardens as it cools off, that's why we use the boiling water. Don't expect to get your pipe shiny and spotless, unless you have expensive equipment (You wouldn't need this walkthrough, if you have the tools and proper cleaning properties.) The point of this walkthrough is to show you how to clean your pipe for easier smoking, not to make it pretty again. Let's go ahead and soak our pipe in alcohol and boiling water again. Yes, another time.

Okay, okay.. Scrape away again. Yes, there's a lot of scraping involved but trust me, it's worth it. If you don't clean your pipe often, it's important to add some extra attention to every detail. After that, it's time to do one more boil. This time, no alcohol, nothing. Just hot water. We are finally done. Make sure your pipe no longer smells and tastes of alcohol, you wouldn't really want to be smoking this stuff, anyway. You can keep the boiling step if it hasn't all cleared. Well, there you have it. A short and simple way to clean your glass pipe. I hope you benefited this. Have a good one. : )

Farms, Ahoy!

12:25 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

So I visited a farm for the first time yesterday. To be honest, I'm sort of on the fence when it comes to farm-work, no pun intended. There are two extremes in our lives. Country bumpkins and City-dwellers. I am happily in the middle. I don't roam the roads, I can't fend for myself, but I certainly hate grime and dirty farm animals. I know that without farmers we would all perish. I've just never been raised in that environment, I'm too much of a goody-two-shoes.

Please don't get me wrong, I love nature, I love running through thorn patches with scrapped up legs, I just love the beauty of it all. Being out in the wild reminds me of my childhood - how bug bites just didn't matter. But now, all of the forests and fields that I once knew growing up are paved over, they're a parking lot now. No longer are they adventurous.

Here are some more pictures I found on my phone. Feel free to use these pictures in anything, you don't need my permission. Do not claim them as your own.

The Perfect Stoner-Friend

2:11 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Search 'Stoner' on and you will find 118 definitions.

"Slang for somebody who smokes cannabis, often. Most people would talk them down as if they are better, though they often consume poisons such as alcohol and caffeine. Stoners are generally a friendly minority, peaceful, and harmless. The arrogant people bitching about them smoking marijuana, they are usually bigger problems then the people they denounce."

Harmless, peaceful.. What better person could be like this? All drugs aside, stoners, I have found are a lovely bunch. I'm one of them. At least I want to be one. Is it odd to have an ambition that balances wealth, jobs, families, and weed? I grew up in a small village. Falmouth. The rich lived here. The perfect families that aspired to be doctors, firefighters, police, and teachers. Drugs were taboo. There's no doubt that drugs and alcohol were consumed under the beautiful lace cloth that hugged every citizen of our town. Across the river is Windsor. It's small, but it holds the 'downtown' to all drugs under the sun. You name it, you can find it in Windsor. There are run-down houses, small businesses, and plenty of dollar stores. It's a shit town, but as of now, there is still a few pieces of it's security blanket. You can look outside and see green grass and flowers. Although it is run-down, and some areas have seen better days, it isn't as corrupt as I'd like to imagine.

Windsor let's you live on your feet. There's always that small bit in the back of your brain that is crying for panic. For some reason, I want something major to happen. Just so I could talk about it. I just want that conversation. There is no doubt that someday Windsor will be corrupt. It's slowly falling apart. Falmouth still exists, it's as quiet and perfect as I left it. I moved to Windsor when I was thirteen years old. When my family packed up and crossed the river, my life changed. Violence, drugs, hate, and crime. That was my reality. I love living on the edge.

Right now, in my life, I am going through an experimentation phase. I want to try any and everything. I want my trial and error to be almost 'perfect.' It's played out in my mind and I know how I want it to be. I don't want it to be with certain people. I don't want to be baby-sat. It's a major buzz-kill for me. There are just some people I don't like getting high with. They make me uncomfortable, they make a third-wheel, they just.. Don't justify their reason for being there. All quarrels aside, I'm a tad bit afraid of meeting new people. I just want someone to embrace me as a friend. Someone who isn't afraid of taking my hand and leading me down a path of drugs, but letting me find my own limit. If I die, I die. If I panic, I panic.

But that's in my utopia, not reality.
Another dream..

I'd also like to mention that this is my one and only post that will ever mention marijuana. Please feel free to kick me if I mention it, ever. I, in no way, incourage anyone to smoke and/or cook with marijuana. It has been proven safer than alcohol, but just like alcohol, never EVER operate a vehicle or machinery while under it's mesmerizing affects. I smoke marijuana purely on my own and my close friend(s) never have I gone public about it. There is a reason only a select few people are given a link to my blog. I use Marijuana to help me open up socially and creatively. I use it to help with my insomnia. I don't suffer in my lonesome anymore, I apologize that it is against the law.

I could be doing much worse. I work and I'm finishing school, like a good little girl.
: )

New Tattoo

10:41 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

I did it. I got my first ever tattoo. I'm finding it hard to even explain how happy I am, even through all of this discomfort.

The night before, not even twenty-four hours ago, I was tossing and turning in bed; I could not get comfortable. I kept playing out what could possibly happen without any detailed knowledge of procedure. I was awake when my parents woke up, they got up around seven in the morning. It was then that I decided to haul myself out of bed. I was not in a rush when I woke up, I was groggy, tired, hungry, and nervous. My stomach was doing turns and flips without my permission.

After I took a shower and got ready I headed downstairs. My Mother was already gone to work, as was my sister. It was only me and father home. We initially planned to leave at noon, luckily I called in advance and discovered that I would have to wait until three. The only problem with that was that we had to have Natasha home between two and three. That meant we had to pick her up at two, drive home and back by three. Too bad it takes thirty minutes to drive in one direction.

I was late, but he knew that I was late because I called him. For the entire drive there I was texting any and every person I could reach. I was nervous and I was barely hanging in there. My sister was in a horrible mood and couldn't help but cry and scream at my dad, blaming everything at him. My sister is eighteen years old. Normally I don't intervene in those situations but I was already so nervous I could vomit. Not a pleasant picture, but it was reality. I had been this kind of nervous two times in my life. Once when I was going to get my lip pierced, the next time was the last ten minutes of my plane trip to meet Jason.

When we got there, Jason (not my boy-friend, the tattoo artist and owner of the shop) was outside, smoking. The first thing I noticed was his sleeves. Not his shirt sleeves, his tattoo sleeves. He looked gentle, clean, and well aware of my first time. It was immediate trust. I went inside while my father talked with him outside. I looked at all the pictures on the table, the wall, and the screen with a slideshow - going through all the work Jason had done.

My goal for my tattoo was a fleur de lis. Nothing too simple and nothing too complex. I took into consideration my intial design, it was way too complicated and small detailed to put on my skin. It would just turn into a blob by the time I was thirty. Jason happily re-designed it into a beautiful flower. He added shading to it to brighten it up. No colour; I'm not ready for colour just yet. After we were both happy with the sketch, he took it into his room and made a stencil of it. I was called in. The room was spacious, nothing at all like the place I went to get my lip pierced. There were plenty of mirrors, posters, trophies, diplomas, and overall a beautiful Egyptian-based theme. When I sat down on the chair, he placed the stencil on my arm and I waited. He mixed his ink and put together the machine.

That wait seemed an eternity, I was so scared; I didn't know what to expect. When the needle hit my skin, I calmed down. It was discomforting, but it didn't hurt as much as me being nervous. Being nervous and hungry at the same time is scary and frustrating. I know it's weird, but the position I was in (my arm on lap, extended to him) feeling another person's body heat is more comforting than you would think. Music is also important, in my humble opinion. It took about twenty minutes to get it done. The beginning of the outline didn't hurt so much, it was the outline touch-ups that stung a little. By the time the ink is in place, your skin will gradually become tendor. The more tendor, the more stinging there is. The shading didn't hurt much at all.

Don't get me wrong, the tattoo hurt. But it wasn't "excrusiating." Don't ever let someone talk you out of a tattoo because of the pain. There are so many ways to work around the painful areas. For example, for your first tattoo, avoid your hands, feet, wrist, ribcage, and spine. Those areas hurt, a lot. Especially when you are a small person and you don't have too much meat on your bones. Even if you have a low pain tolerance, it is definitely worth it.

Where was I? Oh yeah. When the tattoo is done and over with, you will just sit there and ask if that's all. Really. I was expecting so much worse, which is a healthy habit to adopt. When you expect the worse, it'll be better than you thought. If you think it's a cake walk, you're in for an unpleasant surprise. Some tattoo places offer different instructions and after-care advice. Jason put a plastic sheet over it, it acted like a seal to prevent blood, white cells, goo, and overall grossness to seap out and infect people, places, and yourself. It protects your tattoo from the outside and the outside from your tattoo. There siran-wrap, tape stuff is unpleasant to remove. I suggest gritting your teeth, using a wet cloth to push it off. It hurts but it has to be taken off within two to four hours. It's put on there so you can get home safely. Please do not leave it on longer than that. Bacteria, blood, and goo collects in the plastic and sits over your tattoo. Prolonged exposure will increase your risk of infection and colour loss.

Once that is off, it's time to clean it up. Wash your hands thoroughly with clean, safe soap. Once your hands are clean, gently rub the soap and water on your new tattoo. Do not use a wash cloth or towel. Avoid scrubbing. Gently rinse the soap off with warm water and pat it dry with a piece of paper towel or toilet paper. Once again, avoid wash cloths and towels. Linen collects dust and bodily fluids, your tattoo is an open flesh wound. Let your tattoo air-dry for about an hour and then apply moisturizing lotion. Curel, non-scented. Apply this lotion at least three times daily to help protect your tattoo.

When scabbing occurs, do not pick or scrape them off. Avoid water submerging your scabs. Taking off scabs before they naturally fall off will ruin your tattoo. Expect a month of care and healing for your tattoo. Besides this vital information, it's important that you are patient, caring, and you acquire common sense. I am proud of my new tattoo and I am already excited about getting another one.

Eat all the grass that you want. Accidents happen in the dark.

11:28 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

I'm surprised I managed to log into Blogspot. My head is swirling, my face is numb, I'm bumbling along in the clouds; far, far away from where I lay my head. I've done it again, I'm high.

It isn't one of those normal highs, it's the kind where you're alone, you have to manually breath, you're afraid but too numb to feel the worry. I have no idea how much sense I'm making, I can barely hear the music that's playing, ever so loudly.. Screaming out rhymes of truth and pain. I need happier music.

The Beatles.. The lovely Beatles. A lot of my friends do not like The Beatles. Even though I love their music, I'm not obsessive about them. I can relax to some of their songs but it's rare that I am in one of those moods. You know what's a good band to listen to whilst floating high above gravity? System of a Down. Not so much of System of a Down's early music, more of their Mesmerize/Hypnotize albums.

If you ever want to just kick back, I'd highly suggest those 'ghetto' earphones. Those earphones that expand to the whole side-view of your head. Those earphones that cancels out all noise surrounding you. I have my music on full blast.. I feel no pain in my ears.. It actually just sounds normal. It feels as though I have no more 'limits' of pain.' It feels amazing, to have no actual physical or emotion pain. Everything is just one big blur of static, coming from your television as it is set to a channel out of service.. Yeah.

I quite enjoy writing while under the affect of alcohol and/or drugs. It's fun. I feel professional and 'half-decent.'

I'm able to focus more when I'm writing. Normally when I try to have conversation it becomes garbled and messy. It's almost painful to find four words to describe a situation. If I get side-tracked, which is quite normal, it is almost impossible to veer back into the pre-destined track. I'd just sit there, going circles. Any outer noise just accounts for something else. I remember sitting there, watching 'Totally Spies' with Chelsea. My Mother dropped a pan in the kitchen sink, not even 20 feet away. Moments after I heard that crashing the sensors went back from my brain to tell me that I actually heard Chelsea say something.

I know her voice well. It's odd that I was able to supplement her voice to actually say something, and then to convince myself. Of course I remember the dismay when she claimed that she didn't say any thinig. I thought I was going crazy, then I remembered what was going on.

I would just like to state that I have found a new love for System of a Down. When I was in nineth grade, it was my god and my savior. Tank Sergien and Daron Malakian singing so beautifully into my ears. The energy of their voices bouncing off of each other. Their voices.. So different from each others and yet so magically compatible together. Throw in some smashing guitar work and sick drum beats.. You now have yourself an orgasm. Enjoy!

I can't even explain the need to type out random handful of lyrics.. If only I could type sounds. If I did then it would sound like this:

"Awwww awwwwweee aaaaAAAAAAaawwwwwwe.. Aaawwwee aawwwwwweeee AAwwwAAwwweee AAAAAAAAAAWWWW AWwwwawwwweee.. Cann youuu.. feeeeEEEell.. Their.. Haunting presence... Caaaaannn yooouuuu.. feel.. their.. haunting presence?"

But that's no fun, now is it? Anyway, the song is actually the beginning of 'Holy Mountain' by S.O.A.D. It feels as if each song lasts for two glorious hours. Funny thing about System of a Down. Daron Malakian, vocalist/guitarist, was my first ever celebrity crush. I still feel slightly churned by him. Lucky me though, I found someone better.

Welll.. It's getting late here so I better end this.

Let the Banana Split

12:20 PM Posted In , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

.. And watch it go right to your thighs.

I'm sitting here, chillin' with Chelsea. Nothing much is really new, we are going to watch a few movies later; she's staying the night seeing as I don't go to school anymore. That? Oh.. I'm taking 'Correspondence.' At least that's what I want to do. After March break I will go in and set some stuff up with the guidance councilor and get my courses in session. Correspondence is sort of like home-schooling, only there is no parent teaching you. You get assignments, you complete them, you send them in.

It's something I'm more comfortable with.

I have social anxiety, it's beyond shyness, which is hard to convince to some people. I'm not begging people to understand me but sometimes there's just no way to explain how I'm feeling. It feels as if there is a void to my emotions and reality; I just cannot explain it. There are no words that can fit into how I feel. These feelings result in mood-swings and I can make a lot of people unhappy out of my own frustration of them not understanding.

Recently I have tried to turn to god, but it's really hard for me.. After years of being exposed to hard evidence and theories that make sense. It's just difficult to turn to something that you are not sure exists. When I was younger, I believed in god. I was happy. But was I happy because I was young? Or was I just happy because I had faith in someone powerful. It's also very difficult to believe in and love someone/something that sees homosexuality as a sin. I'm not going to put up with that.

I had a long discussion with John about this, he's a friend of mine. We met over Warcraft but we chat a lot over Facebook about religion and his beliefs. He told me that homosexuality is a sin, but so is lust, and all humans lust. I can't change myself, I will always be Bisexual. It's who I am, and I'm certainly proud for what I am. I like girls, I like boys. I'm happy with that. There will never be a god in my heart that sees homosexuality being a sin.

I suppose this means that I will never have a religion, a lot of the things I do are not compatible to many religions. There's just too much that I am not willing to change about myself. Love thy neighbor.. My neighbors steal from our garden in our backyard.

So without further-ado.. It's time to go do some chores, eat dinner, get lazy, watch movies, and such. Sounds like a party? I know.

Truth be told; I miss you. Truth be told; I'm lying

9:47 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm really not sure to write, I haven't had anything interesting to write for a very long time - I guess I just haven't been creative. I've tried drawing, writing poetry, painting, sketching.. I'm just not interested in anything in particular. Let's see.. Feeling like a pot-head every now and then, being engulfed by lovely, piercing sound waves reverberating off of every cavity in my skull.

Well, I did fill of even more internet applications in search for a jobby-job. Something to give me absolutely no life; a part-time job grabbing every shift I can, on-top of being a student, I'm not sure about how great of a friend I will be.

I love puzzle pirates.

I love the taste but I hate physically eating cereal.
Speaking of cereal; pouring it in the toilet, the milk and bits left over, makes me gag. That's another reason I don't eat it.
Toast is too dry for my coffee in the morning.
Muffins for breakfast make me feel like a bitchy bloat.
Anything else takes too long to cook.

Mornings suck! So I sleep until the afternoon whenever I can so I can make lunch when I'm hungry.

I read post secrets because I like reading about myself.

I absolutely love the music from Mary Poppins.. Chim chimney, chim chimney, chim-chim cheroo!

I'm not Christian but I LOVE Veggie Tales.

I wish Windsor had a candy store and a drive-in movie.

I still think my parents ruined my childhood by buying no-name products to save money.. All the kids at school had fruit-loops and dunk-a-roo's while I got an 'Our Compliments Rice Krispy Bar' and a 'President's Choice Granola Bar.'

If I could have one wish it wouldn't be a million dollars; it would be a game designer at EA Games, Maxis, (The Sims, SimCity, Spore, etc.,.) and actually know what I'm doing.

If I was to be famous; I would want to meet my fans and get to know them - but no one has that time when they're famous.

Mony Python makes me 'flustered.'

I love quirky, kids, humerous songs. You'll fine these on my playlist:
"Can You Feel the Love Tonight - Lion King Version"
"The Galaxy Song - Monty Python"
"I'm on a Boat - The Lonely Island Ft. T-Pain"
"Daddy Wasn't There - Ming Tea (Austin Powers)"
"The Future Soon - Jonathon Coulton"
"YATTA! - Green Leaves"
"All I Want is You - Barry Louis Polisar"
And much, much more.

I love Colin Mochrie.
Okay, time to watch Ghost Hunters and then catch some sleep.

Things I have learned in the past month.

11:41 AM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
  • Hearing an old friend's voice has never felt so relieving.
  • Bacardi 151 with blue kool-aid is beyond godly.
  • I can handle DDR on expert mode.
  • I'm attatched to Naruto because I can relate every character to someone who's influenced my life. (Kakashi - Bryan, Sakura - Chelsea, Eric - Sai/Sasuke, etc.,.)
  • I have horrible speech when I'm intoxicated.

Last but certainly not least, I found this out today:

  • I cannot sleep in the same bed as Chelsea. Our sleeping habits are complete opposite!


11:32 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

I'm glad I documented my search for Eric and how much he means to me.
Basically, I hurt him and left. I know the pain and sadness from it because it happened to me.
I too was abandoned by someone who meant the world to me; no strings attached.

When I e-mailed Eric, I told him that even if he chooses not to reply to me, I just want him to know that I care about his well-being and that I'm sorry. This morning, it was as if I gazed into a mirror and was placed in his shoes. I, too, received an e-mail from an old friend.. A friend so important to me, I realized how lonely my life has been without him as a friend. I had come to senses that there was actually a gap in my life, I was a fool to think I did not need it replaced. His words were like a song, a song we sung together; long ago.

I will not share all the contents of the e-mail because most of it should be private, but I will show this one part:

"I don’t expect you to reply to this. But please do… you have been in my thoughts and I miss talking to you. I was going through some old files and there was a video, the sound was vent conversation… you, X, and Y. It made me smile to hear you laugh again. In case you read this and don’t reply… I wish you the best. I hope you are healthy and happy. Take care of yourself."

Immediately, as if from a movie, my heart stopped and my eyes watered. It never felt so great to re-unite with a good friend. A friend.. Not my boy-friend, someone beside me through thick and thin. I'm waiting for a reply from my friend, a chance to catch up on lost time.

This whole post - I want to conclude to one thing. Karma.


7:44 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Sorry Ii haven't posted in awhile - I guess I've just been busy or I haven't too much to write about. I get ideas but when I start writing them they just fade or turn as dry as toast on a cold winter's day. Really.

I guess for starters - I am back into Naruto; it sucks. Not the show, the show is absolutely amazing and I'm put in awe after each episode. That being said I have so much to catch up on and I have no time for it.. I think in the summer I will start watching from the beginning; sometimes I feel that I'm missing something important. I remember the first time I watched Naruto with Eric - I kept asking who that "guy" was in the intro, the one standing on the phone wire. He kept shushing me and telling me that I'll learn eventually. God, I love Hatake Kakashi. I miss having a friend that loved Naruto as much as I do - it's such a good show, putting aside all the crazy fangirls cosplaying to it.

Eric.. He's a big chapter in my life and I'm just realizing this. I've began my search yet again to find him.

Secondly; My one and only exam starts tomorrow - I don't have to study for it. That's great and all but the problem is that I have so much art work to do it's not funny. Art projects is so much different than an english paper or a math sheet. Sometimes you can be artistic and sometimes you can't. I'm in a block right now so in the end I will get a bad mark on anything I do. I need 3 more landmark sceneries and 8 more pictures of pretty much anything.. Except anime. He yelled at me for doing that.

So in conclusion I want be doing any "chillin' with homies," Warcraft, or anything that really implies "fun."


Reflection comes with thought..

8:54 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

"How would you feel if you lived in Gaza - living in terror every-day?"

Touchy question. Death, blood, mutilation; it scares me. It makes my skin crawl, it makes my veins twist, it makes me cry. Whether it's from a movie, a story, a picture.. I honestly couldn't imagine living through it. All I would feel is lonesome and a black, unknown fear. I wouldn't function properly - I would be too afraid to run even if I knew that staying could kill me.

We live in tough times, my friends. If I was able to take a family, a child, a stranger.. If I could give them my house, my bread, my water. I would. I can't. Government and papers prevent this help; I don't speak their language. If they don't listen to the United States why would they listen to me? There is only hoping that the ceasefire comes soon and more innocent people don't die.

What are you doing right now? Are you enjoying a warm cup of coffee, are you surfing through the internet and chatting to friends on an instant messaging system, are you getting ready for school, dinner, watching TV? Imagine what some people your age are doing right now; in the middle east. Are you capable of putting yourself in their situation? I don't think I am.

Pain. Destruction. Grief. Violence. Hatred. War.. Sorrow. Mankind.

Who will make it stop. You, me, or Them?

History 101

7:34 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
It is of no secret that I use the alias "Burgundy" online; it's found in my e-mail address, my Warcraft characters, my log-ins to various websites, and of course - my blog. Although I intentionally issued it as my favourite colour, the colour of my hair, the colour of my bedroom walls. I'm well aware that there used to be a place in Europe named "Burgundy." Don't know where Burgundy was? It's non-existant today (Such as Prussia and so on). Think between France and Switzerland. The Celts, Romans, etc.,. inhabited the land - as the 4th century approached the Germans took over and declared their kingdom.. Who would've thought, I know!

You're probably wondering what this has to do with any-thing, well here's what I found. My last name is Nadeau; I'm quite proud of it. The name 'Nadeau' derived in a small kingdom named "Burgundy." : )

I love history - I absolutely adore it. I wish more people in our world would learn about their family's history and see who they came from. It's unfortunate that people are living for today but without regards to yesterday.

"Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: Joseph Nadeau dit Belair, who settled in Quebec in the 1700's; Jean Nadal, who arrived in Louisiana in 1756; George Nadin, who settled in Philadelphia in 1873."

Ambitions '09

8:52 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Last week wasn't special, yesterday was uneventful, today was boring. Tomorrow.. Tomorrow will be like another cog in the machine. I don't have much planned for this week, besides school I plan to stay home and catch up on work - supposedly on Wednesday I'm going to go shopping for a few things.
Hello 2009, good riddance to 2008. Besides my trip to see Jason it was quite the unattractive 365 days. In 2009 I plan to:

  • Get a job.
  • Move to Oregon.
  • Lose Weight.
  • Stop fooling myself with crazy plans.
There's one more ambition I'm aiming for.. It's not big but it's important. I want to have a better attendance in school. I think this year I'm just extremely unchallenged with classes. Sp-ed math, art, Clothing/Cooking, PAL/CLM.. Really, the only one that takes thought is Art - that's about it.
I just want to move, I want to be done with the hectic school and move onto a career and family.. I feel so trapped here. I know I have friends here, I'll be bummed to leave them behind, but that's life for you. We all move on eventually..