Eat all the grass that you want. Accidents happen in the dark.

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I'm surprised I managed to log into Blogspot. My head is swirling, my face is numb, I'm bumbling along in the clouds; far, far away from where I lay my head. I've done it again, I'm high.

It isn't one of those normal highs, it's the kind where you're alone, you have to manually breath, you're afraid but too numb to feel the worry. I have no idea how much sense I'm making, I can barely hear the music that's playing, ever so loudly.. Screaming out rhymes of truth and pain. I need happier music.

The Beatles.. The lovely Beatles. A lot of my friends do not like The Beatles. Even though I love their music, I'm not obsessive about them. I can relax to some of their songs but it's rare that I am in one of those moods. You know what's a good band to listen to whilst floating high above gravity? System of a Down. Not so much of System of a Down's early music, more of their Mesmerize/Hypnotize albums.

If you ever want to just kick back, I'd highly suggest those 'ghetto' earphones. Those earphones that expand to the whole side-view of your head. Those earphones that cancels out all noise surrounding you. I have my music on full blast.. I feel no pain in my ears.. It actually just sounds normal. It feels as though I have no more 'limits' of pain.' It feels amazing, to have no actual physical or emotion pain. Everything is just one big blur of static, coming from your television as it is set to a channel out of service.. Yeah.

I quite enjoy writing while under the affect of alcohol and/or drugs. It's fun. I feel professional and 'half-decent.'

I'm able to focus more when I'm writing. Normally when I try to have conversation it becomes garbled and messy. It's almost painful to find four words to describe a situation. If I get side-tracked, which is quite normal, it is almost impossible to veer back into the pre-destined track. I'd just sit there, going circles. Any outer noise just accounts for something else. I remember sitting there, watching 'Totally Spies' with Chelsea. My Mother dropped a pan in the kitchen sink, not even 20 feet away. Moments after I heard that crashing the sensors went back from my brain to tell me that I actually heard Chelsea say something.

I know her voice well. It's odd that I was able to supplement her voice to actually say something, and then to convince myself. Of course I remember the dismay when she claimed that she didn't say any thinig. I thought I was going crazy, then I remembered what was going on.

I would just like to state that I have found a new love for System of a Down. When I was in nineth grade, it was my god and my savior. Tank Sergien and Daron Malakian singing so beautifully into my ears. The energy of their voices bouncing off of each other. Their voices.. So different from each others and yet so magically compatible together. Throw in some smashing guitar work and sick drum beats.. You now have yourself an orgasm. Enjoy!

I can't even explain the need to type out random handful of lyrics.. If only I could type sounds. If I did then it would sound like this:

"Awwww awwwwweee aaaaAAAAAAaawwwwwwe.. Aaawwwee aawwwwwweeee AAwwwAAwwweee AAAAAAAAAAWWWW AWwwwawwwweee.. Cann youuu.. feeeeEEEell.. Their.. Haunting presence... Caaaaannn yooouuuu.. feel.. their.. haunting presence?"

But that's no fun, now is it? Anyway, the song is actually the beginning of 'Holy Mountain' by S.O.A.D. It feels as if each song lasts for two glorious hours. Funny thing about System of a Down. Daron Malakian, vocalist/guitarist, was my first ever celebrity crush. I still feel slightly churned by him. Lucky me though, I found someone better.

Welll.. It's getting late here so I better end this.