Farms, Ahoy!

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So I visited a farm for the first time yesterday. To be honest, I'm sort of on the fence when it comes to farm-work, no pun intended. There are two extremes in our lives. Country bumpkins and City-dwellers. I am happily in the middle. I don't roam the roads, I can't fend for myself, but I certainly hate grime and dirty farm animals. I know that without farmers we would all perish. I've just never been raised in that environment, I'm too much of a goody-two-shoes.

Please don't get me wrong, I love nature, I love running through thorn patches with scrapped up legs, I just love the beauty of it all. Being out in the wild reminds me of my childhood - how bug bites just didn't matter. But now, all of the forests and fields that I once knew growing up are paved over, they're a parking lot now. No longer are they adventurous.

Here are some more pictures I found on my phone. Feel free to use these pictures in anything, you don't need my permission. Do not claim them as your own.