History 101

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It is of no secret that I use the alias "Burgundy" online; it's found in my e-mail address, my Warcraft characters, my log-ins to various websites, and of course - my blog. Although I intentionally issued it as my favourite colour, the colour of my hair, the colour of my bedroom walls. I'm well aware that there used to be a place in Europe named "Burgundy." Don't know where Burgundy was? It's non-existant today (Such as Prussia and so on). Think between France and Switzerland. The Celts, Romans, etc.,. inhabited the land - as the 4th century approached the Germans took over and declared their kingdom.. Who would've thought, I know!

You're probably wondering what this has to do with any-thing, well here's what I found. My last name is Nadeau; I'm quite proud of it. The name 'Nadeau' derived in a small kingdom named "Burgundy." : )

I love history - I absolutely adore it. I wish more people in our world would learn about their family's history and see who they came from. It's unfortunate that people are living for today but without regards to yesterday.

"Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: Joseph Nadeau dit Belair, who settled in Quebec in the 1700's; Jean Nadal, who arrived in Louisiana in 1756; George Nadin, who settled in Philadelphia in 1873."