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First off, I like comments, whether it's your opinion or you can relate to what I write.
I write what's on my mind, to get some stuff off my chest, or just amuse myself when I have nothing to do. I write about my teachers, what I do with my friends, my view's on life and all that stuff, and what I think about during those few seconds of class where I'm not doing anything. Please keep in mind, if I talk about someone and their appearence, it does not necessary mean I am in love with them, or I have much attention for that certain someone. I used to blog a lot, but then I decided against it. Lately, I've been making small blog notes in my head, and so I shall post them here.
Here's some stuff about me, I'm 15 years old and I live in Canada. I have burgundy hair and I use that alias online a lot. I have many friends, all of which I cherish in different ways, I will always speak highly of them, because friends don't talk about others behind their backs. I talk to many people on the internet, they could mean less to me, or a lot to me. Some alter my life, the way I think, the way I talk, and there are some I regret talking to. In life, I'm very shy to new people, but definitely not towards my friends. I don't normally state my opinion with absoluteness or back up every word I say, but I will on this blog.
I write what's on my mind, to get some stuff off my chest, or just amuse myself when I have nothing to do. I write about my teachers, what I do with my friends, my view's on life and all that stuff, and what I think about during those few seconds of class where I'm not doing anything. Please keep in mind, if I talk about someone and their appearence, it does not necessary mean I am in love with them, or I have much attention for that certain someone. I used to blog a lot, but then I decided against it. Lately, I've been making small blog notes in my head, and so I shall post them here.
Here's some stuff about me, I'm 15 years old and I live in Canada. I have burgundy hair and I use that alias online a lot. I have many friends, all of which I cherish in different ways, I will always speak highly of them, because friends don't talk about others behind their backs. I talk to many people on the internet, they could mean less to me, or a lot to me. Some alter my life, the way I think, the way I talk, and there are some I regret talking to. In life, I'm very shy to new people, but definitely not towards my friends. I don't normally state my opinion with absoluteness or back up every word I say, but I will on this blog.
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