Remembrance Day

4:27 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today was actually a good day, after 2 days of having the baby for child studies I felt good about myself, I wasn't overly tired and I was looking forward my math test. The morning went fast and I couldn't wait for music, but to my despair, music class was cancelled due to a remembrance day assembly. At first I thought it would be long and boring, although I do enjoy stories and music performances, I thought it would be endless, but I was wrong.
For her English class, my sister was asked to write an essay on something related to world war II, she chose our great grandfather, Horace Porter. Unfortunately, he died a month ago. She was asked to read her essay in front of the whole school, she accepted but when the time came, she backed out and asked her friend to read it. Kayla said she'd read it, but I wasn't too fond of Kayla reading a story about our great grandfather that started out as "I love my great grandfather". So, I got the guts and asked Tasha if I could read it, she said it would be better, so I did. I read the essay in front of 900 students and 15 veterans. Being a shy character, I was quite proud of myself when I saw smiles and I heard a loud applause. After the assembly I was stopped by a veteran, he was old, but very charming. He told me that the stories of the past should be shared more, it shouldn't be forgotten..It should be remembered. He then informed me the essay was so touching it made a fellow veteran cry. I was glad I read something so beautiful that my sister wrote.
As for the math test it was very easy, stuff I knew by heart. I hope Mr. Atwell will let me finish writing it on Tuesday, as I need to finish up the last bit and check my work so I don't make some really stupid mistake, I really need my math average up.
Lest we Forget.

First Post

12:17 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
First off, I like comments, whether it's your opinion or you can relate to what I write.
I write what's on my mind, to get some stuff off my chest, or just amuse myself when I have nothing to do. I write about my teachers, what I do with my friends, my view's on life and all that stuff, and what I think about during those few seconds of class where I'm not doing anything. Please keep in mind, if I talk about someone and their appearence, it does not necessary mean I am in love with them, or I have much attention for that certain someone. I used to blog a lot, but then I decided against it. Lately, I've been making small blog notes in my head, and so I shall post them here.
Here's some stuff about me, I'm 15 years old and I live in Canada. I have burgundy hair and I use that alias online a lot. I have many friends, all of which I cherish in different ways, I will always speak highly of them, because friends don't talk about others behind their backs. I talk to many people on the internet, they could mean less to me, or a lot to me. Some alter my life, the way I think, the way I talk, and there are some I regret talking to. In life, I'm very shy to new people, but definitely not towards my friends. I don't normally state my opinion with absoluteness or back up every word I say, but I will on this blog.