Truth be told; I miss you. Truth be told; I'm lying

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I'm really not sure to write, I haven't had anything interesting to write for a very long time - I guess I just haven't been creative. I've tried drawing, writing poetry, painting, sketching.. I'm just not interested in anything in particular. Let's see.. Feeling like a pot-head every now and then, being engulfed by lovely, piercing sound waves reverberating off of every cavity in my skull.

Well, I did fill of even more internet applications in search for a jobby-job. Something to give me absolutely no life; a part-time job grabbing every shift I can, on-top of being a student, I'm not sure about how great of a friend I will be.

I love puzzle pirates.

I love the taste but I hate physically eating cereal.
Speaking of cereal; pouring it in the toilet, the milk and bits left over, makes me gag. That's another reason I don't eat it.
Toast is too dry for my coffee in the morning.
Muffins for breakfast make me feel like a bitchy bloat.
Anything else takes too long to cook.

Mornings suck! So I sleep until the afternoon whenever I can so I can make lunch when I'm hungry.

I read post secrets because I like reading about myself.

I absolutely love the music from Mary Poppins.. Chim chimney, chim chimney, chim-chim cheroo!

I'm not Christian but I LOVE Veggie Tales.

I wish Windsor had a candy store and a drive-in movie.

I still think my parents ruined my childhood by buying no-name products to save money.. All the kids at school had fruit-loops and dunk-a-roo's while I got an 'Our Compliments Rice Krispy Bar' and a 'President's Choice Granola Bar.'

If I could have one wish it wouldn't be a million dollars; it would be a game designer at EA Games, Maxis, (The Sims, SimCity, Spore, etc.,.) and actually know what I'm doing.

If I was to be famous; I would want to meet my fans and get to know them - but no one has that time when they're famous.

Mony Python makes me 'flustered.'

I love quirky, kids, humerous songs. You'll fine these on my playlist:
"Can You Feel the Love Tonight - Lion King Version"
"The Galaxy Song - Monty Python"
"I'm on a Boat - The Lonely Island Ft. T-Pain"
"Daddy Wasn't There - Ming Tea (Austin Powers)"
"The Future Soon - Jonathon Coulton"
"YATTA! - Green Leaves"
"All I Want is You - Barry Louis Polisar"
And much, much more.

I love Colin Mochrie.
Okay, time to watch Ghost Hunters and then catch some sleep.